Paleo Mushroom Galette

Paleo Mushroom Galette

This savory pastry is perfect for any meal of the day. It’s also grain free and the only dairy it contains is grass fed butter in the crust.

While I love an occasional sweet treat, my daily food intake is mainly a paleo focused diet. If you are not familiar, that means lots of vegetables and fruit with and high quality proteins like grass fed meat, pasture raised eggs, nuts and seeds. I am always trying to create meals that feel like a treat but are made with those ingredients that are aligned with my nutritional goals. This tart absolutely fits that description. It would be a lovely side dish with eggs for breakfast or with soup and salad for lunch or as an accompaniment with a roast for dinner. This tart made it onto my plate in all of those combinations and I really enjoyed the variety it added to my meals. Look out for more paleo recipes from me as I try to add fun variety to my diet.

Paleo Mushroom Galette

2 cups mixed organic mushroom (torn) 
2 medium shallots finely chopped 
2 tsp fresh thyme 
1 tsp kosher salt 
1 tbsp ghee 
2 tsp apple cider vinegar 
1/2 tsp granulated garlic 
1/2 cup coconut Cream 
1 tsp arrowroot powder 

Heat a pan over medium/low heat. Add ghee once pan is heated. Then add shallots, mushrooms, salt and thyme. Saute for 1-2 minutes just until the shallots have softened. Stir in vinegar and garlic. In a separate bowl combine coconut cream and arrow root until well blended. Add this mixture to the mushrooms and stir until it thickens.  Remove from heat and let the mixture cool completely. 

Easy Paleo Pie Crust from Paleo Running Momma. This crust recipe is simple and completely grain free. I made it the night before so putting the tart together was quick and easy. 

Preheat the oven to 350 F Roll the crust into a 1/4 thick circle between two sheets of parchment. This is my way of keeping my counter clean and ensuring nothing sticks. It also makes it super easy to transfer the crust to the baking sheet, which is the next step. I prefer filling the galette on the baking sheet to avoid a precarious transfer.  Spread the mushroom mixture evenly onto the pastry round, leaving about 3" all around. Fold this empty portion of crust one side at a time, you can make a square or a hexagon or octagon. It's supposed to be rustic so do whatever you prefer.  Brush the exposed edges of the crust with ghee. I decorated the top with various types of mushrooms to add some flair, however you can skip this step. Bake the galette for 25-30 minutes until the crust is golden brown.